Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Violence And Pornography Essays - Anti-pornography Feminism
Brutality And Pornography Essays - Anti-sex entertainment Feminism Brutality and Pornography Erotic entertainment Sex or Subordination? In the late Seventies, America got stunned and offended by the assault, mutilation, and murder of over twelve youthful, lovely young ladies. The man who submitted these killings, Ted Bundy, was later captured and executed. During his detainment in different prisons, he was intellectually examined and pushed by clinician and psychoanalysts planning to find the base of his rough activities and sexual disappointments. Numerous speculations emerged in endeavors to clarify the persuasive factors behind his dangerous capers. Be that as it may, the most grounded and generally doable of these speculations came not from the clinicians, yet from the man himself, as a young person, my mates and I would all sneak around and watch pornography. As I developed more seasoned, I turned out to be increasingly intrigued and engaged with it, [pornography] turned into a fixation. I got so associated with it, I needed to consolidate [porn] into my life, yet I couldn?t carry on like that and keep up the ac hievement I had buckled down for. I created an adjust personality to satisfy my dreams under-spread. Sex entertainment was a methods for opening the insidious I had burried inside myself (Leidholdt 47). Is it conceivable that sex entertainment is going about as the way to opening the insidiousness in increasingly unsteady personalities? As per Edward Donnerstein, a main analyst in the sex entertainment field, the connection between explicitly savage pictures in the media and resulting hostility and . . . insensitive mentalities towards ladies is much stonger factually than the connection among smoking and malignant growth (Itzin 22). In the wake of thinking about the expansion in assault and attack, lewd behavior, and other sex wrongdoings in the course of the most recent couple of decades, and furthermore the comparing increment of business in the sex entertainment industry, the connection among brutality and pornogrpahy needs extensive investigation and assessment. When the proof you will experience in this paper is assessed and evaluated, it will be hard not left away with the acknowledgment that ongoing utilization of explicit material advances unreasonable and out of reach wants in men that can leac to brutal conduct toward ladies. So as to appropriately talk about sex entertainment, and have the option to interface it to brutality, we should initially go to a fundamental and pleasant comprehension of what the word sex entertainment implies. The term pornogrpahy begins from two greek words, porne, which implies whore, and graphein, which intends to compose (Webster?s 286). My conviction is that the blend of the two words was initially intended to portray, in writing, the sexual adventures of ladies considered to be prostitutes. As time has passed, this meaning of sex entertainment has developed to incorporate any revolting writing and pictures. At the current date, the term is fundamentally a sweeping which covers a wide range of material, for example, express writing, photography, movies, and video tapes with shifting degrees of sexual substance. For Catherine Itzin?s research purposes pornogrpahy has been isolated into three classifications: The explicitly express and rough; the explicitly unequivocal and peaceful, yet subjecting and dehumanizing; and the explicitly unequivocal, peaceful, and nonsubordinating that depends on commonality. The explicitly express and savage is realistic, demonstrating entrance and discharge. Additionally, it shows the rough demonstration toward a lady. The subsequent model shows the realistic sexual act and peak, however not a brutal demonstration. This model shows the lady being dressed is an outfit or being ?talked down? to so as to decrease her to something not human, for example, a body part or only something to engage in sexual relations with, a body opening or a hole. Not exclusively does ?erotica? show the whole realistic sexual act, it likewise portrays a fascination between two individuals. Her exploration reliably shows that unsafe impacts are related with the initial two, however tha t the third ?erotica?, is innocuous (22). These three classifications essentially exist as devices of perceiving content. Albeit here and there they cover without a genuine qualification, as in when the film is realistic in the sexual demonstration and furthermore in brutality, however shows the go about similar to a common action between the individuals taking an interest. In my view, to additionally isolate sex entertainment, it is conceivable to separate it into considerably less difficult classifications: delicate and no-nonsense erotic entertainment. In-your-face sex entertainment is a mix of the explicitly express and brutal and the explicitly unequivocal and peaceful, however subjecting
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Moral Development and Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Moral Development and Domestic Violence - Essay Example In this manner, the savagery is done not exclusively to one's physical body, however it influences one's passionate state. Here a couple of components of abusive behavior at home will be tended to. In the first place, it will be inspected what precisely is good turn of events, abusive behavior at home, and kinds of misuse. Also, the characters of the person in question and the abuser will be broke down, including the outcomes of abusive behavior at home. Third, lastly, examines, declarations, formative qualities, and abusive behavior at home avoidance will be talked about. There will likewise be a segment given to finishing up musings and other editorial. Moral advancement includes the development of an individual's heart after some time. Concerning the individual being manhandled, her virtues unquestionably can shape the relationship. For instance, if a casualty keeps on showing careless good conduct around the abuser, this can accordingly disintegrate her body of evidence against her abuser if her case is prosecuted. The offended party (the person in question) will no doubt be assaulted by the abuser's legal counselor in court, who will make allegations about the casualty's ethical laxity. The ethical advancement of the casualty after some time will most likely bear itself out, and once certain moves have been made, the casualty can't recover these activities. Or maybe, the activities of the casualty may cause issues down the road for her. Along these lines, it is significant for survivors of aggressive behavior at home to attempt to lead experience that are unquestionably sound. This is a significant standard on the grounds that, i n court, the abuser's legal advisor will no uncertainty attempt to dishonor the person in question. In this way, it is a chief preferred position to the casualty to have total and all out control of her life, consequently not giving the abuser any influence. On the off chance that the casualty is ethically remiss, it makes it simpler for the abuser's safeguard group to crush the casualty again just this time in a court. Clearly, remembering snapshots of misuse once all the grimy clothing of an awful relationship is being circulated is certifiably not a charming encounter, yet the casualty should now and again have occasions like these in which she should face her abuser in a faultless design. This is where the lady at last has control and can depend on herself to be the robust in a questionable world. The ethical improvement of the abuser must now be taken into question. Point of fact, the ethics of the abuser are unquestionably going to be being referred to. What comprises the ethi cal improvement of an abuser The abuser might be intentionally or unconsciously manhandling someone else, and that isn't past their control. Nonetheless, one should honestly solicit oneself what the state from brain of an abuser is so as to hurt another individual. It is essentially unconscionable what one individual can do to another. The ethical advancement of somebody who is an abuser is clearly impeded in some sense. Somebody who manhandles someone else doesn't have a decent handle on virtues which direct that people ought to be dealt with sufficiently and with at any rate friendliness if not thoughtfulness. In any case, the abuser is truly not an individual who has the best ethics in any case to start in any case. An abuser is somebody who is scheming, naughty, and demanding in their aim to hurt someone else normally, yet not constantly, a lady and here and there a youngster. The abuser might be
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Updates on the Transfer Review Process for Fall and Summer - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Updates on the Transfer Review Process for Fall and Summer - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Updates on the Transfer Review Process for Fall and Summer We have started reviewing Fall transfer applications. With the exception of a few oddities, we are finished with almost all Summer transfers. The myStatus is currently down and will not be accessible until First Year decisions are released. Letters are continuing to be mailed as decisions are made. Unfortunately we cannot tell you when you will have a transfer decision as this depends on many factors. In general, applications are processed in the order in which they are completed. To have a complete application we must have a transcript from every college you have previously attended. This includes dual enrollment coursework you may have completed while enrolled in high school. If you applied last fall, please be sure you have sent your most up-to-date transcript. Your myStatus will have a date next to your transcript(s) to show when it was received. If you were enrolled in coursework last fall and we have not received an updated transcript with fall grades, we will not be able to process your application. We will post additional updates as we are able to. Go Dawgs!
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay - 830 Words
Scientists state that the world is constantly moving towards disorder, while the purpose in life is to bring order to the universe. Now genetic engineering is a very old science that has been in play for many years. Scientists have been creating genetically modified organisms and products for years. But we now have the knowledge and technology to do this on a drastic scale the world has never seen. Knowing that genetically modifying something turns it into something god did not create. Do we have the right to do this? With great change comes many consequences. Say a creature is made that we as people can’t withstand or destroy? What do we do in this case? What is the solution? But on the other hand, genetically engineering could change†¦show more content†¦And you look out the window and your great grandma is killin it on the soccer field, running back and fourth, megging all the other players like she is 25. Healthy immune systems and better vaccinations is what wil l do the trick. Enough imagination, lets look at some of the things that have already been accomplished with this science. One thing it can do is enable hereditary diseases to be treated so they are not past off to their offspring. Genetic engineering can also enable scientists to make animals have certain characteristics and enable to them to remove certain characteristics. Take Jackie for example she was a normal pig when the expirement first started. Scientists then took the glowing gene from a jellyfish and transplanted the gene from the pig with the one of the jellyfish. Soon after the lights were shut off and Jackie was glowing! It is not as easy as it sounds, but the outcome is pretty freakin sweet! Professor Hulm a teacher at Stanford quotes, â€Å"In the U.S. and elsewhere more than 90% of soybeans, cotton, corn, and other certain crops are already genetically engineered according to the U.S. Dept. of agriculture†. The reason we use this new technology is not to prod uce glowing animals and weird creatures but to make the most of what we have on earth. â€Å"Transhumanists view human nature as a work-in-progress, a half-baked beginning that we can learn to remold in desirable ways†. This was said by Dr. Shmuckle whos view I see 100%. WeShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering1676 Words  | 7 Pagesenergy gets passed on throughout each trophic level to how the positive/negative ions in water molecules can effect how they bind to each other/are attracted to one another. While going over the long unit known as genetics, one topic in particular left a mark in my mind: Genetic Engineering/modification. It opened a door to me that allowed me question our everyday life, questions flooded my mind. For example, I pondered things like, How could we use gene modification to create natural pesticidesRead MoreGenetic Engineering Pros And Cons1648 Words  | 7 PagesGENETIC ENGINEERING: PROS: Pros of genetic engineering are the facts that scientists and doctors in our generation could first and foremost discover new diseases and parasites and types of unheard cancers and illnesses before they spread further than they need too. The doctors can therefore invent a cure for this illness before it spreads really far and before anyone else gets sick. With the genetic engineering they can then stop the spreading and cure the diseases before it gets out of hand. ThisRead MorePros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering1662 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic engineering is the process whereby new DNA is added or existing DNA is altered in an organism s genome. This may involve changing one base pair (A-T or C-G) or deleting entire sections of DNA or adding additional copies of a gene. This results in creating new traits that were not previously present in the organism’s genome. This is done to selectively breed desired traits or to create plants with increased resistance to pestic ides and increased tolerance to herbicides. For example insulinRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering831 Words  | 4 Pages Genetic engineering is the growing science of the world and is increasingly under the spotlight over ethical issues. Is biotechnology going to save lives, rather than destroy them? and will the benefits outweigh the risks? The main problem with such questions is that we dont know the answer until we try them out. Like all sciences it is hard to predict outcomes, so far there have been more failures being told than success stories. Genetic engineering is the splitting of DNA out of an organism’sRead MorePros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering1101 Words  | 5 PagesGenetic engineering brings about great and marvelous things, yet it raised many ethical issues. Some encourage research, while others oppose against such a bizarre idea. Their arguments revolve around impacts on the environment, humans, and social values. This paper seeks to give an account of these issues and present a possible moral compromise. Ecological problems may be caused when genetically engineered species are introduced. It may offset the natural balance of a system and may even lead toRead MorePros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering1915 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Genetic engineering refers to any changes in genetic makeup that result from the direct manipulation of DNA using various technical methods†( source 1). More simply put, genetic engineering involves cutting, pasting, and/or editing DNA, specifically targeted ones, to produce a valuable effect produce a useful or desirable characteristic in an organism. The results can greatly modify a certain species or even create a new one. The Biotechnology to do such things were only available in the 1970sRead MorePros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay1733 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many benefits of genetic engineering, but there are many risks too. Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits of a cell, organism, or population. Basically, scientists take DNA of one product and put it into another product to get a mixture of traits from both products. It’s like breeding different breeds of dogs to get a certain look or personality. Some people don’t mind what goes into genetically altered foods, while othersRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering1068 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Genetic engineering is a process in which scientists transfer genes from one species to another totally unrelated species. Usually this is done in order to get one organism to produce proteins, which it would not naturally produce. The genes taken from one species, which code for a particular protein, are put into cells of another species, using a vector. This can result in the cells producing the desired protein. It is used for producing proteins which can be usedRead MorePros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay2059 Words  | 9 Pages Genetic Engineering is highly controversial since some people believe that genetic engineering is playing God. As this fact there is opposition to the progression of the field by people who do not see the value in genetic engineering, or they fear what genetic engineering may lead to for us as people. There is a history of discover that belongs to genetic engineering, which has led to numerous products that have emerged which have brought numerous applications to the society of the world. ThoughRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay608 Words  | 3 PagesThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering has been a major topic of discussion ever since Dolly the sleep was cloned. Its raises ethical, moral and religious questions due to the fact it is tampering with the makeup of organisms, and certain religions believe it is not our right to do this. Genetic engineering involves the re-arranging of DNA sequences, artificial horizontal gene transfer and cloning. There has been little progress
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Little-Known Secrets to Written Samples of Difination Essay
The Little-Known Secrets to Written Samples of Difination Essay It is wise to read essays that are evaluated in any way levels so you can see what it requires to make a top grade. Usually, that you have to write the identical assortment of examples for each class. If a person is uber rich, the middle class looks poor. All the classes have to be described and their distinctive traits have to be defined. Briefly think how you are going to arrange the text and decide on the approach to organizing information. My purpose is to help you with your studies at no cost. In the event you aren't positive full it your self, make usage of classification essay samples, it's going to be positively helpful for you. The content of the illustration is only the hint or prompting of the way to compose your classification essay. You may also find several discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Moreover, people also have believed to collect the best samples into books. A great deal of students forget that writing a great deal of content doesn't guarantee them success in the conclusion of their essays. The absolute most difficult phase of the work is finding categories and sorting them in a logical way. Life, Death and Written Samples of Difination Essay In the event you were assigned to compose a classification essay, there's no need to panic. If you're ready to dig deeper into the subject of classification essay writing, the next step-by-step guide will reveal to you the way to compose a classification paragraph. You might use these guideline in composing a high excellent classification essay. Assess the classification essay examples which you have encountered. Writers use strong classifications and divisions associated with the absolute most intriguing topics. Have a look at our topics for classification essay also. Along with, that you need to pay attention to the thesis assertion. A thesis statement isn't a very long commonly no longer than 1 sentence claim that you will need to present after the debut of your papers topic. You are unable to compose a definition essay without sourcing out all vital information concerning the theme. An argumentative essay presents either side of a problem. You are able to create a specific paragraph for some category or make 1 body paragraph. After you have finished describing your categories, jot the key ideas from all possible paragraphs and write your last thoughts about the discipline. Write an intriguing title. In the home body paragraph dwell on every category in detail. Written Samples of Difination Essay and Written Samples of Difination Essay - The Perfect Combination Although friendship is something which most individuals enjoy, friendships are not all the exact same. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. For instance, a list of United States presidents could be grouped in any variety of ways, based on your goal. Most Noticeable Written Samples of Difination Essay Also, it's a significant means to plan out your paper beforehand and think of what you're going to write. You might even wish to consider re-writing an old paper to observe wa ys to help it become better. Each piece has certain characteristics and belongs in a given place to create the entire picture. You shouldn't utilize them as your private bit of writing. Our samples can help you to unify your essay and provide you with the clue how to allow it to be complete. The last half is an abstract of the full essay. Kurt vonnegut essays about how to locate an argument is vital. Together with, you ought to use some critical guidelines of profitable classification essay writing which may be given under. After you have decided on the topic for a classification essay and have studied it with distinct strategies of writing, you ought to be prepared to compose the very first draft. There are a few specific elements which are necessary in an argumentative essay.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mechanism of PM Effects on Human Free Essays
Mechanism of PM Effects on Human Introduction Further surveies are still needed on understanding the mechanism of effects of PM. Although surveies have shown the injury increasing with increasing PM concentration, the existent contribute facts are non clear. In these limited surveies, different exposure clip shows different effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Mechanism of PM Effects on Human or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some effects shown in short clip exposure while some effects shown in long clip exposure. Since the true mechanism of PM consequence on cardiovascular is non clear now, extra research of toxicological is needed. To better the measuring of specific consequence of PM on human wellness, environment and survey sample can besides be specified. Aims: The experiment and work on the farther research can be specified as followed short-run aims: Design and better in vivo and in vitro toxicological experimental theoretical accounts. Many surveies has been done on vivo and vitro toxicological experiment to happen the consequence of PM to cardiovascular, nevertheless, the direct parametric quantity of disease haven’t been clarified. Based on the in vivo and in vitro toxicological experiment, farther experiment on cell degree could stipulate the possible direct parametric quantity. The effects on PM on human wellness likely caused by the effects on cells, particularly on vascular cells and lung cells. To gauge the possibility of this premise, the cell experiment is needed. Once the mechanism of PM effects is clarified on cell degree, the molecule degree experiment can be design. The molecule is the concluding parametric quantity of the effects of PM. The farther aims ( 3-5 old ages ) are focused on the survey of emanation control of PM. Based on the mechanism of PM consequence on cell and human wellness, the chief parametric quantity and direct component can be decide. In that instance, the emanation commanding could concentrate on the chief component of PM. Since the composing of PM have varies of chemical, biological or metal particulates, the specific mechanism of effects on wellness can be assortment so the farther surveies are needed in that field. Literature Reappraisal: Cardiovascular disease-related mortality can be triggered when exposure to PM2.5 in a few hours per hebdomad ; greater extent can happen even in a longer-term exposure for case few old ages and can cut down life anticipation by exposed in high sections of population for several old ages. Cardiovascular mortality will cut down with decrease degree of PM within a clip of few old ages. Biological plausibleness to these findings has been proved. Mounting grounds of the injury of cardiovascular effects of air pollution has been published in late informations. The elevated hazard for cardiovascular with exposure to ticket PM2.5 has been corroborated by most of epidemiological surveies. Mechanisms has been studied by many penetrations that PM was proved have ability to advance cardiovascular disease ( CVDs ) . Endothelial disfunction, increased blood force per unit area, vasoconstriction, prothrombotic and systemic inflammatory and oxidative emphasis responses are been proved have linked to air pollutants. Methodology: Work plan1: In Vivo Experiment Model Enhancement. Yeas 1-2 The really first controlled homo survey related to the PM consequence on vascular map was reported that ague conduit arterial vasoconstriction was caused by exposure to concentrated ambient atoms ( CAP ) plus ozone. However, endothelium dependant and independent vasodilation is still at good status. Recently, survey found that PM2.5 is the ground for the inauspicious vascular effects but non ozone. However, all right CAP exposure did turn out ability of decreasing conduit artery endothelium-dependent vasodilation in 24hours, in the late more complicate experiments. However, the happening in Toronto, Canada of CAP-induced endothelial disfunction insight the composing of the atoms is more of import fact to find the mechanism of PM effects on homo. The improved in vivo experiment theoretical account analysis varies sort of particulate affair with different cricks of composing. To better the experiment theoretical account, controlled air pollution exposures is needed. Controlled air poll ution exposure is shown a unsure impact to map of impair endothelial or vasomotor tone. PM2.5 have different beginnings and the combustion-derived beginnings are the maim beginnings. However, some sorts of PM2.5 have a low dosage in combustion-derived beginnings. Besides, particles chemical science survey in old research shows positive determination in Diesel exposure surveies. There is no impair on microvacular endothelial map in healthy subjuests during a 24-hour exposure to ambient pollution shunted into a chamber in busy street. 1 The work plan1 is expected to happen the direct consequence mechanism of PM at tissue degree. Work during the work program 1 will incorporate experiments to obvious the effects of homo in exposure in different sorts of PM. Work program: 2 Improved Toxicological Experiment in cellular degree. Years 2-3 The effects of particulate air pollution and nanoparticles have been investigated. However, respiratory effects are focused by most of the surveies like inspiration, intratracheal or intranasal insillation. It is easy to understand that redness and oxidative emphasis can be caused by exposure to particulate 2. Single-dose intratracheal instillment of diese exhaust atoms can do lung redness characterized by inflow of inflammatory cells accurately. Interleukin-6 was found released in 18 h. Collected from the urban country of Sao Paulo, acute exposure of healthy mice by intranasal intranasal instillment to PM2.5 caused lung redness and oxidative emphasis and worsened lung electric resistance dose-dependent form 3. Pretreatment of mice with eugenol prevented the alterations in lung mechanics, pneumonic redness, and alveolar prostration which reported late by a research group. To work on the cell degree experiment, we can utilize lung cells as the sample. Culture the cell in the ambiance with different sorts of PM to compare their effects. The cell even can be record all the clip with the alteration in its form and chemical composing. Isotopically labled engineering besides can be used as a method to track the particulate and enter their way in the cell. Experiment in cellular degree will supply obvious in cellular degree. Since the effects of PM on homo are complicate procedure, PM may play a function as signal molecule or direct parametric quantity. The concluding outlook of work program 2 should inflect the possible cause and effects of PM. Work plan:3 Molecular degree experiment. TiO2hold many industrial applications. Occring in four crystalline polymorphs of which rutile, TiO2is considered appears much common as anatase. TiO2atom, increased release of lactate dehydrogenase, wll reactive oxygn species every bit good as down mitochondrial activity in human epithelial tissue cells. As a popular phtocalyst, TiO2hold great advantage uncomplete mineralization of organic pollutants in waste H2O and air. However, late researches show that pneumonic neurophilia and the increased look of tumour mortification will caused in the lung tissue 4. Molecular degree experiment obvers the atom activity and will happen the mechanism of the effects. Atom force microscope ( AFM ) or other engineering can be used to plan a series experiments to happen the relation between the particulate form and its influence. We could choose different sorts of atoms with different form and diameter and utilize these sorts of atom to make nature experiment to compare the alteration in sample’s blood and vas. These experiments may take a long clip. Anticipatedsignificance: For this research, the awaited significance is to sum up the mechanism and the consequence of PM on homo. To accomplish the awaited significance, several stairss is needed: 1 ) Design the in vivo and in vitro experiment with utilizing different sorts of PM and reiterate the experiment with different sort of people in different country to minimise the likely mistake ; 2 ) Based on the effect of the first measure, plan the experiment at cell degree to analyse the PM effects on cells. An unreal lung can be built to better the experiment that exists. 3 ) To compare the form and other physical or chemical character of different sorts of PM to find the most harmful character and happen the mechanism at molecule degree. Mention 1.Brauner EV, Moller P, Barregard L, Dragsted LO, Glasius M, Wahlin P, et Al. Exposure to ambient concentrations of particulate air pollution does non act upon vascular map or inflammcatory tracts in immature healthy persons. Part Fibre Toxicol 2008, 5: 13. 2.Nemmar A, Alaˆ?Salam S, Zia S, Marzouqi F, Alaˆ?Dhaheri A, Subramaniyan D, et Al. Contrasting actions of Diesel fumes atoms on the pneumonic and cardiovascular systems and the effects of thymoquinone. British diary of pharmacological medicine 2011, 164 ( 7 ) : 1871-1882. 3.Riva D, Magalhaes C, Lopes A, Lancas T, Mauad T, Malm O, et al. Low dosage of all right particulate affair ( PM2. 5 ) can bring on acute oxidative emphasis, redness and pneumonic damage in healthy mice. Inhalation toxicology 2011, 23 ( 5 ) : 257-267. 4.Melghit K, Al-Rabaniah SS. Photodegradation of Congo ruddy under sunshine catalysed by nanorod rutile TiO A ; lt ; sub A ; gt ; 2 A ; lt ; /sub A ; gt ; . Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2006, 184 ( 3 ) : 331-334. How to cite Mechanism of PM Effects on Human, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Partition of Bengal free essay sample
PartitionofBengalPartitiobengal of bengol 1903: -bengal was the hot bed for revolutionary activity -bengal united its power,divied will pull in different ways 1904: -L. Curzor took surway of bengal. NEED FOR PARTITION / UNOFFICAIL REASON -curb the uprising of the rising power of bengal -muslim would welcome this action -divide the unity of muslim and hindu Oficial reason -it was to big province ( consited of bihar, orisa and bengal)mention population with area of bengal -it was administratively starved ( it had less police stations,unversities were at far distance)and it had only one viceroy for its adminstration. 16th oct 1905 -anti partition act wana bhana day -raksbandhan dat -black day (sad day) -morning day PROGRAMMES Protest meeting -songs of rabindranath tagore(amar sona bangla) slogans by bankim chandra chaterji ( vande mataram ) -picketing of shops(curfew) 4point programe a. swadeshi and boycott b. national education c. massmovement d. swaraj LEADERS IN SUPPORT OF ANTI PARTION MOVEMENT -Bal gangadher tilak(maharastra) -SURENDRA NATH BANNERJI -Lala lajpat Rai(Punjab) Programes of swadeshi and boycott -bengolies felt very humiliated, cheated and insulted -meaning of -gt;Boycott -social boycott of people who sold or buy british goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Partition of Bengal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page -boycott of suger, salt and cloth renunciation of gov. posts -renunciation of english speaches (not speaking english) -gt;swadeshi meaning -promote indian industries(how? ) entusiasm Tata steel and iron started Textil mills got set up Soap and match factories got setup p. c. ray bengal chemical industries got started steam ships project banks and co-operatives set up what did the people do to make s b success a. All class of people joined b. British goods were burnt c. Students refused to use paper d. Women participeted in picketing shops(stop selling of british goods) e. Dawn society set up f. Zamindars stoped marvadies from buying goods from manchester g. Priests did not accept any goods from british h. Boycott ceremonies( ceremonies which requires british goods were banned British represive policies 1. Lathi charge 2. arrested 3. baned meeting and slogans 4. deported leaders(sent to far of prisons like kala pani in nicobar) 5. stopped grant-in-aid to schoold andcolleges(british stopped giving finential aid to gov. schools and colleges\ IMPACT OF PARTITION OF BENGAL 1)Muslims turned violent burnt hindu shops 2)Growth of extremism terrorism 3)cult of bomb(started using bombs as to prove them self superior then hindus) 4)all india character (leaders,women,children all participated) Impact of Swadeshi and boycott movement 1)Vigour (force) to nationalism and patriotism 2)urge to set up national education eg ,shantiniketan 3)increase in literary and culture activities 4)impetus\stimulus( growth) of indigeneous industries (like tata,pcray chemical industries) 5)split in congress in 1907 at surat Reasons a)over the question of methods(S b) -moderates wanted swadeshi and boycott movement to be confined only in bangal\ extremist wanted to partice through out the country b)over presidentship of the congress -moderates wanted Rosh Behari Bose -extremist wanted Lala Lajpat Rai
Friday, March 20, 2020
Instructional Design Principles, Theories, Application
Instructional Design Principles, Theories, Application Making the process of learning more insightful and attractive to students is one of the most challenging tasks for a teacher. Demanding not only that the students should be properly motivated, but also that the strategies and goals for specific lessons should be defined clearly and efficiently, it presupposes that numerous factors of learning environment should be taken into account.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Instructional Design: Principles, Theories, Application specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Incorporating the basic principles of instructional design will help both address the needs of the students and introduce a proper motivation for an entire class, therefore, enhancing the learning process and contributing to better understanding of the lecture material, acquisition and training of the necessary skills and efficient application of theories to practice. To help the students that have enrolled into the MA TLT project learn to demonstrate the knowledge and skills related to learning using technology, such changes as the integration of the recent technological innovations along with information on the effects of these technologies must be provided. In the given process, it is essential to make sure that the principles of Constructivism and Interpretivism are being used, for these principles allow the students to see the numerous ways in which the same task can be accomplished (Instructional Design Knowledge Base, n. d.). By showing the students the variety of methods, which are all attributed to the same goal, one can make sure that in their teaching practice, students will be capable of integrating various strategies in order to approach a specific issue in q unique manner by analyzing the specifics of the case in point. Another challenge related to the MATLT program, which its participants are most likely to face in educational setting, concerns the demonstration of knowledge and ski lls in current and emerging instructional technologies (Horton, 2012). To help the participants of the program embrace the opportunities that current technological advances open in front of them, it will be required to create activities combining â€Å"instructional design, media and computing†(Newby, Stepich, Lehman, Russell Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2011, p. xvii).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In other words, the activities that demand to draw further lesson designs from the feedback acquired from social networks and other types of modern media that can be used in the course of the lesson, should be created. It is imperative that the learners should understand what potential new media and technologies open for both teachers and students. Such understanding can be shaped by offering students tasks on analyzing the benefits of the latest technologies, such as the exer cise demanding to define key positive features of specific devices for students and teachers. For instance, the activity of the given kind can include listing the qualities of such devices as smartphones and iPods, which can be used for interactive learning and efficient note-taking process. Despite the fact that in the process of distilling the instructions that will allow for defining the further course of learning, crucial mistakes can be made and, therefore, basic obstacles might appear, instructional design is worth appreciating and considering solely for the opportunities that it opens to teachers and students. Creating the premises for teachers to consider both the individual progress of each student and the overall evolution of the class, instructional theories help create a unique pattern for teaching to a particular group of students, thus, introducing the latter to the concept of self-education and the following lifelong learning. Reference List Horton, W. (2012). E-Learn ing by design. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley Sons. Instructional Design Knowledge Base (n. d.). Select instructional models/theories to develop instructional prototypes. Web. Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., Russell, J. D., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning (4th ed.). London, UK: Pearson.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Instructional Design: Principles, Theories, Application specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Introduction to the Dirac Delta Function
Introduction to the Dirac Delta Function The Dirac delta function is the name given to a mathematical structure that is intended to represent an idealized point object, such as a point mass or point charge. It has broad applications within quantum mechanics and the rest of quantum physics, as it is usually used within the quantum wavefunction. The delta function is represented with the Greek lowercase symbol delta, written as a function: ÃŽ ´(x). How the Delta Function Works This representation is achieved by defining the Dirac delta function so that it has a value of 0 everywhere except at the input value of 0. At that point, it represents a spike that is infinitely high. The integral taken over the entire line is equal to 1. If youve studied calculus, youve likely run into this phenomenon before. Keep in mind that this is a concept that is normally introduced to students after years of college-level study in theoretical physics. In other words, the results are the following for the most basic delta function ÃŽ ´(x), with a one-dimensional variable x, for some random input values: ÃŽ ´(5) 0ÃŽ ´(-20) 0ÃŽ ´(38.4) 0ÃŽ ´(-12.2) 0ÃŽ ´(0.11) 0ÃŽ ´(0) ∞ You can scale the function up by multiplying it by a constant. Under the rules of calculus, multiplying by a constant value will also increase the value of the integral by that constant factor. Since the integral of ÃŽ ´(x) across all real numbers is 1, then multiplying it by a constant of would have a new integral equal to that constant. So, for example, 27ÃŽ ´(x) has an integral across all real numbers of 27. Another useful thing to consider is that since the function has a non-zero value only for an input of 0, then if youre looking at a coordinate grid where your point isnt lined up right at 0, this can be represented with an expression inside the function input. So if you want to represent the idea that the particle is at a position x 5, then you would write the Dirac delta function as ÃŽ ´(x - 5) ∞ [since ÃŽ ´(5 - 5) ∞]. If you then want to use this function to represent a series of point particles within a quantum system, you can do it by adding together various dirac delta functions. For a concrete example, a function with points at x 5 and x 8 could be represented as ÃŽ ´(x - 5) ÃŽ ´(x - 8). If you then took an integral of this function over all numbers, you would get an integral that represents real numbers, even though the functions are 0 at all locations other than the two where there are points. This concept can then be expanded to represent a space with two or three dimensions (instead of the one-dimensional case I used in my examples). This is an admittedly-brief introduction to a very complex topic. The key thing to realize about it is that the Dirac delta function basically exists for the sole purpose of making the integration of the function make sense. When there is no integral taking place, the presence of the Dirac delta function isnt particularly helpful. But in physics, when you are dealing with going from a region with no particles that suddenly exist at only one point, its quite helpful. Source of the Delta Function In his 1930 book, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac laid out the key elements of quantum mechanics, including the bra-ket notation and also his Dirac delta function. These became standard concepts in the field of quantum mechanics within the Schrodinger equation.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Current Ethical issues in International HRM Coursework
Current Ethical issues in International HRM - Coursework Example Furthermore, the task of IHRM is to find, attract and manage gifted employees, which are the most valuable resource for any organization (Kramar et al 2011). a) bribery. When a company appears in the international environment, it can appear in the middle of the conflicts existing in the new society. Bribery is one of them. For example, while the bribery laws in the USA are strong, they are not so strong in Africa or China. The companies which recently faced such problem are: Transparency International Australia and The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (Collings & Woodà ± 2009) b) breach of contract. The main task of IHRM is to make employees perform in accordance with ethical norms. Only adhering to ethical rules can increase the standard of living and bring benefits to employees and their families. IHRM has a very difficult task to instruct on the code of ethics and its application in the international environment. The violation of ethical rules can lead to breach of contract. The company, which recently faced such a problem, is Ocean & Earth (Klerck, 2009). c) abuse of human rights. Here the human resources managers meet many challenges and these challenges are much more serious than in those companies, which do not perform internationally. This situation is typical for the work in developing countries. Globe International Limited faced the situation where the rights of their employees were violated. This negatively influenced the performance of the organization (Klerck
Monday, February 3, 2020
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 41
Writer's choice - Essay Example Franz Ferdinand was the archduke in Austria- Hungary. He murdered by Gavrilo Princip, who was from Serbia. He was ordered to complete this mission by Black Hand; a secret military group. The rest were primary causes of the war but were not immediate. One of them was militarism. Britain had an immense army that Germany envied. They began to compete towards building larger armies that meant increased arms and weapons. Need for prestige and power, the more one nation built their army, the more the other governments felt need to increase theirs. In the long run, civilian nations began to suffer heavy taxation to cater for the militants. Creation of alliances. This was supposed to bring a sense of security. In any case of war, those countries were expected to protect each other. The alliances were a threat to cause a world war if any country confronted one of the allied countries will cause all the rest to come forward. Imperialism was mobilizing smaller nations a ruling them. Gathering colonies was a way of increasing a nation’s wealth. Global competition for this colonies resulted to major confrontations and chaos (Bentley and Ziegler, Traditions and Encounters. Volume I, From the Beginning to 1500: a brief global history). We care about the World War 1 because after the war; women gained more rights in the society than before. They were able to take better roles in the community and do things they couldnt. More job opportunities were created which automatically resulted to improved technology e.g. guns, airplanes, etc. After all, the war had its benefits that are very useful to date
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Electronics Arts Company Analysis
Electronics Arts Company Analysis Electronic Arts (EA) is an American developer, marketer, publisher, and distributor of computer and video games. The gaming industry where the company operates is one of the most competitive and dynamic industries. Perform a PEST analysis and five forces analysis on the industry as well as SWOT analysis and suggest an appropriate strategic course for Electronic Arts. 1.0 Introduction Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA) is a worldwide developer, dealer, publisher and distributor of video entertainments. The organization was an initiate of the early home computer amusements organization and was remarkable for encouraging the designers and programmers in charge for its games. Initially, EA was a home computing amusement publisher. EA developed via achievement of several successful developers. It had grown to be one of the worlds biggest third party publishers. (Wikipedia ,2010) Presently, it is mainly successful goods are sports games available under its EA Sports label, entertainments based on trendy film authorizes such as Harry Potter and games from long-running franchises like Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, The Sims, Battlefield and the presently games in the Burnout and Command and Conquer series. With the majority of its sports instruction series being industrial by EA, and the worlds biggest enlargement studio EA Canada which they are also the distributors of the Rock Band series. (Wikipedia ,2010) 2.0 PEST analysis tools PEST can be described as political, economic, social, technological issues, which are applied to evaluate the marketplace for a company or organizational unit. The PEST analysis headings are a structure for analysis a position, and can also be applied to evaluate a plan or position, trend of a business and marketing proposal. It is a helpful implement for understanding marketplace situation, in which they are working, and the opportunities and threats that be positioned within it. (Strategylabs, 2010) The models issues will vary in significance to a particular company based on its business and the products it manufactures. Moreover, issues which are more probable to alter in the outlook or more related to a specified business will carry greater meaning. Additionally, EA who create a large range of goods can find it more helpful to evaluate one division of its organization at a time with the PEST model, hence concerning on the particular issues appropriate to that one division. (Researchmarkets, 2009) By understanding the situation in which EA function exterior to the divisions, they know how to take benefit of the opportunities and diminish the threats. Particularly, it is a functional tool for understanding threats linked with market development or decline and as such the situation, prospective and trend for them. It is finding out where they are in the circumstance of what is occurring exterior that will at several point cause what is happening within of the business. (Modelbenders, 2009) 2.1 Five forces analysis Porters five forces analysis contracts with issues external a business that influence the environment of rivalry within it, the forces inside the organization that control the approach in which firms compete, and accordingly the organizations likely productivity is accomplished in Porters five forces model. An industry has to realize the dynamics of its businesses and marketplaces in order to compete successfully in the market. It described the forces which make rivalry, competing that the competitive atmosphere is formed by the relations of five dissimilar forces acting on a company. It seems at five solution parts specifically the threat of entrance, the power of consumers, the power of providers, the threat of substitutes, and competitive challenges. (Emerald Insight Staff , 1993) Understanding the environment of each of these forces gives associations the essential approaching to allow them to make the right plans to be successful in their marketplace. It is a simple tool that supports EA understanding where power lies in a business situation. It also assists to recognize both the strong point of their current competitive situation, and the strength of a situation of them is looking to move into. With an understandable recognizing of where power lies, it will allow EA to get fair benefit of its strengths, develop weaknesses, and avoid taking incorrect stages. Consequently, to concern this planning instrument efficiently, it is vital to know the position and to look at each of the forces separately. (Modelbenders, 2009) 2.2 SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic planning system applied to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats concerned in a plan or in an industry venture. The interior issues can be analysis as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their force on the companys goals. The exterior issues can comprise macroeconomic matters, technological alter, legislation, and socio-cultural transforms, as well as alters in the market or competitive situation. (Strategylabs, 2010) In many rival analyses, EA make completed outlines of each competitor in the marketplace, concerning particularly on their virtual competitive strengths and weaknesses utilizing SWOT analysis. EA will observing each competitors price structure, sources of earnings, resources and competencies, competitive situation and manufactured goods isolation, degree of vertical combination, historical reactions to business enlargements and other issues. (Emerald Insight Staff , 1993) Another instance is EA, which is a great example of how computer amusements business can utilize a SWOT analysis to shape out a strong company strategy. They have known that its strength was selling openly to customers and keeping its prices lower than those of other competitors. EA put together a company strategy that integrated mass customization and just-in-time manufacturing and allowing consumers enjoy their computer amusements with complete imagination in the games world. (Researchmarkets, 2009) 2.3 The analytical tools in solutions It helps EA in discovery the true resolution that best meets their requirements and can play a dynamic role in the accomplishment as well as support. To make easy this development, they have recognized strategic deal with key vendors. The growing resolutions portfolio presents customers with leading skill by world-class partners and developed in the marketplace. EA suggests proven resolutions that provide stability, scalability and the elasticity needed to maximize effectiveness and performance in a extremely competitive atmosphere. (Sadler, Philip , 1993) EA bring value to their customers by joining that recognize how with an entire suite of feature rich resolutions that offers the best functionality part. Thus, the system to develop the productivity and efficiency of company analysts, EA must continue to enlarge the width and strength of their data storehouses, which will diminish the number of data sources that analysts need to entrance directly. They must also equip analysts with improved analytical tools that manage the way they do. (Coate, Patricia , 2007) In line with the ever growing complexity of the competitive marketplace EA has abilities far beyond those of the conventional intermediary, letting them to manage as their customers reliance risk partner with resources to contain every part of their business. They give the firm with the most proper resolutions, through consultancy services, systematic tools and risk goods that continue and improve their customers situation in the market. (Sadler, Philip , 1993) 3.0 Conclusion Any company must seek to understand the nature of its competitive environment if it is to be successful in achieving its objectives and in establishing appropriate strategies. If a company fully understands the nature of the analysis, and particularly appreciates which one is the most important, it will be in a stronger position to defend itself against any threats and to influence the forces with its strategy. The situation is fluid, and the nature and relative power of the forces will change. Thus, the need to monitor and stay aware is continuous. (Coate, Patricia , 2007) Some issues during the implementation of these analyses strategic are crucially important for organizations to build long-term business strategy and sustaining competitive advantages rather than simply list the forces. Successful use of the analysis includes identifying the sources of competition, the strength and likelihood of that competition existing, and strategic recommendations for the action a company should take in order to develop barriers to competition. (Researchmarkets, 2009) It is important to make sure that the sources are reliable and relevant to the current condition of the organization. It has to be viable, reliable and valid, in order to conduct a good analysis of the model. For this purpose, the gathered data and information has to be checked and be applied to the current business conditions. Further limitations could be present in the nature of market forces that reduce the applicability of the information sources to present situations and the amount of detailed information required. (Wikipedia, 2010) 4.0 Reference Question 1 Wikipedia (2010), Electronic arts, retrieved on February 12,2011 from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Arts Strategylabs (2010), Analysis of electronic arts, Retrieved on February 13,2011 from www.strategylabs.net/search-swot-analysis-of-electronic-arts_p8.asp Researchmarkets (2009), Swot analysis , Retrieved on February 12,2011 from www.researchandmarkets.com/reports//electronic_arts_swot_analysis Modelbenders (2009), Electronic arts, Retrieved on February 12, 2011 from www.modelbenders.com/papers/Smith_Game_Impact_Theory.pd E-library Emerald Insight Staff (1993), 1st ed., Strategic Management,  Emerald Group Pub lishing Ltd Sadler, Philip  (1993), 1st ed., Strategic Management , Kogan Page Ltd. Coate, Patricia (2007), 1st ed., Focus on strategic management ,  Emerald Group Publishing Ltd Question 2 Suggest why different approaches to strategy development might be appropriate in different organizations such as a university, a fashion retailer and a high technology company. Introduction A business strategy naturally is an article that obviously expressive the way an industry will pursue and the steps it will take to accomplish its objectives. In a quality of business plan, the business approach results from objectives created to support the stated assignment of the business. In the examination step of business plan development, one of several processes is applied to evaluate a firms market, resources, barriers to achievement and specific advantages. The aim of strategic examination is to classify what a business needs to achieve, the strengths it can bring to bear on achieving the objective and weaknesses that require to be addressed prior to combination and accomplishment. (Sadler, Philip  ,1993) Strategic consideration methodologies can comprise estimating the business circumstances, several of competitive situations, verifying what market forces are at work and ranking competitors, among others. Integrating a business approach typically is one of many steps in a larger production planning process. A business strategy starts with an overall vision. From the vision, a mission statement for the industry is constructed, regularly the shorter and more accurate the better. A mission guides to specific objectives the business will accomplish to complete its mission and that in turn guides to approach to attain goals. Specific plans are regularly then developed to support the business plan. (Coate, Patricia ,2007) Corporate strategy It is verifying the greatest plan to be competitive in the market. It assists to classifies, evaluates, and clarifies the main issues facing productions to deliver insights corporations can apply to develop performance and achieve a competitive advantage. It is focused with the overall principle and scale of the business to meet stakeholder outlooks. This is an essential level since it is seriously influenced by investors in the production and performs to lead strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is frequently stated openly in an operation statement. The associations have a vision and a plan for accomplishing that vision. They apply that strategy through everything they accomplish. These great associations are able to make and capture value and situation themselves for better value. (Businessdictionary,2009) 2.1 Business unit strategy Strategic business unit (SBU) is focused more with how an industry competes profitably in an exacting marketplace. It focuses strategic decisions about option of goods, meeting wants of clients, gaining benefit over rivals, developing or making new opportunities. It is known as a business unit within the overall corporate identify which is distinguishable from other business because it serves a defined external market where management can conduct strategic planning in relation to products and markets. (Wikipedia ,2010) The unique small business unit advantages that a firm insistently promotes in a constant manner. When organizations become truly large, they are greatest thought of as being collected of a number of productions. These organizational units are large enough and standardized enough to exercise organize over most strategic issues influencing their performance. They are controlled as self contained planning units for which distinct business strategies can be enlarged. A strategic business unit can include an entire organization, or can basically be a smaller division of an organization set up to execute a specific job. The SBU has its own business approach, goals and rivals and these will frequently be dissimilar from those of the parent organization. (Wikipedia ,2010) Operational strategy It is focused with how each division of the business is managed to bring the company and business unit level strategic way. It concerns on problems of resources, progressions, and groups. The operating strategy intends to close the strategic gap between business strategy and accomplishment. It transforms the strategic objectives into obviously described achievement aims and aligns the implementation process to the value intention. The operating strategy consists of several parts starting with the operating business form as the basis for development, function, and technical and human performance style. An operating business form is the associations crucial logic for constantly accomplishing its principle goals. The desired outcome is to have a tactical to carry out the operating strategic plan. (Tmginconline ,2009) A number of the key essentials comprise classify required decisions and correlated issues for business process such as key production processes, managing approaches. Additionally, it gives creative ideas for operating problems and to make new value opportunities. It is a model to close business development gaps and to understand business value. It can be described as the business development direction based on the general vision. For example, key decisions and leading values for key business processes and managing approaches. (Tmginconline ,2009) 2.3 Olympia College Olympia College was established to meet the rising require for private top education in the country and is an associate of the well-known Raffles Education Group. There are choices of analysis of the strategic plan process within Olympia College. The operational strategy shows that direction into generating strategic competitive advantage in the development. Therefore, they can get a new system to structure their business functions and make sure the successful enlargement of their business in the competitive market. (Olympia ,2010) Strategic planning is a long range planning procedure that helps in setting the direction of Olympic College. The strategic plan originates from the colleges mission and strategic vision and gives detailed actionable strategies for moving towards planned outcomes. Moreover, they have to help student improvement toward objective completion. It is more purposeful and successful in their efforts to bring education at a distance, finalize and realize a long range distance education plan. (Olympia ,2010) However, they have to exploit community entrance to Olympic College, particularly for enlarge and apply an on-going enrollment management structure that informs instructional plans, student support services, and facilities planning. They are concerning attention on learning and to assist students, ability, personnel, and administrators perceive themselves as a society of beginners, encourage a college wide culture of measurement that embraces the consideration of learning outcomes and encourages the study of teaching and learning. (Olympia ,2010) 2.4 Padini Holdings Berhad Padini sells ladies shoes and accessories, childrens clothes, maternity wear and accessories through different subsidiaries. They can apply the business unit strategy to formulate and execute the plans that will give a competitively greater fit the situation and accomplish the organizational objectives. However, it can assist Padini to emphasize attention on a particular regional market or consumer group. The long term plan of Padini also wants to do the interior and exterior review to strengthen the situation in the global market. ( Padini, 2010) It shows a fashion viewpoint of each will covers a complete range of goods intended at a targeted customer. The corporation will carry on upgrading the image of its goods while emphasizing value and standard. It is successful grip in the productive but competitive womens footwear market. There are strategies to strengthen its dominant situation with enhanced production lines and increased competence. Having successfully impressed its brand names into the perception of Malaysian consumers, Padini is moving to turn its different labels into regionally familiar fashion leaders. It aims to fulfill the potential of the export market, particularly in the Asian region, and will also step up in foreign country marketing for its goods. ( Padini, 2010) 2.5 Dell INC. Dell Inc. is the top retailer of computer systems in the market. Dell sells desktop personal computers, notebook computers, network servers, and a diversity of computer software. They can apply the corporate strategy as a direction in which its production operations work together to get particular objectives. They implement that strategy for accomplishing their vision to build up a strong communication suppliers and customers relationships in the future. It helps Dell to find out the best strategy to be competitive in the marketplace. Thus, it will guide them to improve the work performance and gain a competitive advantage. (Dell, 2010) Dells objective is to generate loyal clients by providing better experience at a great value. They are devoted to direct relationships, giving best goods with standard based technology outperforming the rivalry with value and an advanced client experience. Dell is the association which is recognized worldwide for its approach of direct selling to the customers and business customers due to which it has obtained greater profits and has grabbed large market share from its rivals. As the business develops with the period of time it is largely enterprise strategy is becoming stronger, complicated and established. (Dell, 2010) Conclusion Nowadays, competitive market a strategy that assures a constant approach to offering the goods or services in a system that will outperform the competition is significant. However, in performance with defining the marketing strategy associations should also have a well defined method for the day to day progression of executing it. A cost leadership strategy is based on the idea that the associations can manufacture and market a high quality goods or services at a lower cost than their rivals. These low costs must transform to profit margins that are higher than the manufacturing average. Some of the circumstances that must exist to support a cost leadership strategy comprise an on-going accessibility of working capital, excellent process engineering abilities, and close management of work, goods designed for easiness of manufacturing and low cost distribution. (Emerald Insight Staff ,1993) It is important to know the market segment as described by the viewpoint characteristics associations have chosen as the objective for their offering. It is based on the criticality of the prospects require, their approach about alteration, the importance of the benefits, barriers that exist to integrating the offering into daily procedure and the reliability of the offering. The prospective for market penetration involves whether they are selling to past clients or a new outlook, how aware the forecasts are of what they are presenting, rivalry, growth rate of the manufacturing and demographics. The prospects willingness to give for product value is established by their understanding of competitive pricing, their capability to give and their want for characteristics such as value, stability and dependability, ease of utilize, consistency and steadiness. (Coate, Patricia ,2007)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Edward Snowden Essay
On June 6, 2013 The Guardian newspaper printed a story alleging that the National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting telephone records of millions of Verizon customers in a top secret government sanctioned program. This would be just the first glimpse at the many disturbing actions revealed by a man named Edward Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and NSA contractor who used his computer prowess and security clearance to collect information about how the United States government has been monitoring its own citizens. Mr. Snowden’s actions have prompted the government to file criminal charges against him including theft of government property and espionage. This situation raises serious questions about the legality and ethicality of government surveillance programs as well as security of personal information. There has always been a debate over the trade-off between privacy and security, and this is a perfect example of that discussion. This is an issue that affects anyone who utilizes the technological advancements of today, regardless of the criminality (or lack thereof) of their actions. To better understand this issue we must first take a look at the laws that govern surveillance and the laws that protects our individual freedom from unwarranted surveillance. Two of the most important documents that focus on these issues are the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution, which protects Americans against unwarranted surveillance, and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which was instituted in 1986 as an update to the law governing government wiretapping programs. Since the issue at hand regards government surveillance in general and the Fourth Amendment was written to protect Americans from this act, it is worth quoting in full: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. According to Jackson Lears (2013), the Board of Governors Professor of History at Rutgers University and Editor in Chief of the Raritan Quarterly Review, this Amendment was â€Å"written by men who had rejected imperial power and were determined to prevent its reassertion in their new nation†¦Nothing could more flagrantly violate those requirements than the NSA dragnet†(p. 4). Although our Constitution was written almost 230 years ago, and the men who wrote this document could not have possibly foreseen the technological advancements that would be made in that time (i.e. the telephone, nuclear weapons or the Internet), they were witness to the abuse of government power and tried to institute broad principles to mitigate the possibility of their new government becoming corrupt in that way. The problem our country faces, however, is that in order to regulate this type of behavior it must first be known, which until Edward Snowden appeared had only been considered speculative, and then addressed (Richards, 2013, p. 1934). The government has made attempts, however feeble, at implementing additional laws to prevent this type of abuse of power in the past, but has not kept up with the times when it comes to updating these safeguards. The Supreme Court ruled in 1928 that warrantless wiretapping was not illegal, but that ruling was overturned in 1967 and it was not until 1968 that Congress passed legislation governing wiretapping. In the same fashion, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act was passed in 1986 as an amendment to the Wiretap Act, but has not been updated in the nearly 30 years since it was enacted (Freiwald & Mà ©tille, 2013, p. 1291). The only two times Congress has clarified what may or not be done in conjunction with the Electronic Communications Privacy Act was in 1994 with the passing of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act and the Patriot Act (passed in 2001 only 6 weeks after the attacks on September 11), which both â€Å"further eased the restrictions on law enforcement surveillance†(Freiwald & Mà ©tille, 2013, p. 1292) and â€Å"ensured[d] that providers of telecommunications services maintained the accessibility of their systems to wiretapping (Freiwald & Mà ©tille, 2013, p. 1293). Friewald and Mà ©tille (2013) also explain that â€Å"surveillance that proceeds outside the bounds of the ECPA (and related statutes), either by virtue of not being historically covered, or by virtue of being too new to be included, can proceed without any judicial review, so long as a court has not yet held that the Fourth Amendment requires regulation (p. 1295-1296). The question we must ask is whether or not this type of surveillance is necessarily dangerous or if it is necessary to protect our country and national security. According to Neil Richards (2013), â€Å"First, surveillance is harmful because it can chill the exercise of our civil liberties†¦Second, we must recognize that secret surveillance is illegitimate and prohibit the creation of any domestic-surveillance programs whose existence is secret†¦Third, we should recognize that total surveillance is illegitimate and reject the idea that it is acceptable for the government to record all Internet activity without authorization†(p. 1935-1936). The first idea that Richards raises deal with our civil liberties such as freedom of speech. When people are constantly under the fear of government surveillance, they may be less likely to speak their mind when they disagree with public policy because they may fear retaliation or retribution for their dissent. The second point of secret surveillance deals with the idea of accountability for those who are performing the surveillance. If a blank check is written by Congress for surveillance with no oversight as to what surveillance is being performed, then there can be no guarantee that the people performing the surveillance are not violating our personal privacy. If the government wants it’s people to trust them, then they should be comfortable with the idea of â€Å"trust but verify†. Finally, the idea of total surveillance is the most concrete example of the violation of the Fourth Amendment which requires probably cause as a basis for any intrusive action by the government. I am not against the idea of surveillance, especially in the dangerous world we live in, but at the same time we must find a balance and understand our limits. In order to preserve our individual freedoms we must be willing to accept a certain level of insecurity and a certain level of personal responsibility. The level of personal responsibility we must accept is to be willing, and able, to defend ourselves without relying on the government to do it for us all the time. One example of this is the attacks of September 11, 2001 where 4 planes were hijacked and used as weapons. Out of these 4 planes, only the passengers of one, United flight 93, were willing to stand up for themselves against the hijackers. If the hijackers knew that the passengers on each and every plane would have acted with the bravery and heroism of those on the United flight, I doubt they would have hijacked any of them. As far as accepting a certain level of insecurity goes, that is just a part of life; there is no way we can prevent every horrible thing from happening. I understand the human desire to prevent bad things from happening, but what cost are we willing to pay for it? If we want to prevent car accidents that occur from deer running into the road, does that mean we should kill all the deer? In the words of Benjamin Franklin, one of our Founding Fathers and signatories of our Constitution, â€Å"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.†References Lears, J. (2013). EDITOR’S NOTE. Raritan, 33(1), 1-6. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Richards, N. M. (2013). THE DANGERS OF SURVEILLANCE. Harvard Law Review, 126(7), 1934-1965. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Freiwald, S., & Mà ©tille, S. (2013). REFORMING SURVEILLANCE LAW: THE SWISS MODEL. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 28(2), 1261-1332. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Things That Go Bump In the Night Why They Are Scary
Werewolves are creatures that we find in many different cultures around the world. The most classically known origin story for the beasts comes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In it’s first book, Jupiter goes to Earth to observe humans after hearing of their evil nature. He reveals himself to the Arcadians who immediately start worshipping, all except their king, Lycaon. He does not believe the god’s immortality and seeks to put it to the test. Lycaon kills a messenger from another city and cooks him with the intent to force cannibalism on the god. Jupiter immediately sees through this attempt at trickery and casts a curse upon Lycaon, dooming him to change into the form of a wolf. The Metamorphoses details the characteristics of Lycaon’s transformation from human to wolf, His arms descend, his shoulders sink away, To multiply his legs for chase of prey. He grows a wolf, his hoariness remains, And the same rage in other members reigns. His eyes still sparkle in a narrwer space: His jaws retain the grin, and violence of his face†(Ovid). This story gives us the origin of the lycanthrope, lykos, similar to Lycaon, meaning wolf and andthrÃ… pos meaning man. Later in the Metamorphoses, there are accounts of men that roam the woods in the form of wolves. The theme of lycanthropy as punishment for cannibalism is also present in the Native American culture, where they are known as Windigos. These creatures originally were human but due to cannibalism, they become an ice monster, withShow MoreRelatedFacing Fears of Spiders776 Words  | 4 PagesLisa Learning Experience Paper Psychology 103 Facing fear can be very scary, it is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Biography of Edward R. Murrow, Broadcast News Pioneer
Edward R. Murrow was an American journalist and broadcaster who became widely known as an authoritative voice reporting the news and providing intelligent insights. His radio broadcasts from London during World War II brought the war home to America, and his pioneering television career, especially during the McCarthy Era, established his reputation as a trusted source of news. Murrow has been widely credited with establishing high standards for broadcast journalism. Before ultimately leaving his position as a television journalist after repeated clashes with network executives, he criticized the broadcasting industry for not taking full advantage of televisions potential to inform the public. Fast Facts: Edward R. Murrow Full Name: Edward Egbert Roscoe MurrowKnown For: One of the most highly respected journalists of the 20th century, he set the standard for broadcasting the news, starting with his dramatic reports from wartime London through the beginning of the television eraBorn: April 25, 1908 near Greensboro, North CarolinaDied: April 27, 1965 in Pawling, New YorkParents: Roscoe Conklin Murrow and Ethel F. MurrowSpouse: Janet Huntington BrewsterChildren: Casey MurrowEducation: Washington State UniversityMemorable Quotation: We are not descended from fearful men... Early Life and Career Edward R. Murrow was born near Greensboro, North Carolina, on April 25, 1908. The family moved to the Pacific Northwest in 1913, and Murrow went on to attend Washington State University while working summers in lumber camps in Washington state. Edward R. Murrow, his wife, Janet, and son, Casey, as they returned from abroad on the S.S. United States. Bettmann / Getty Images In 1935, after working in the education field, he joined the Columbia Broadcasting System, one of the nations leading radio networks. At the time, radio networks would fill out their schedules by airing talks by academic and experts in various fields, and cultural events such as classical music concerts. Murrows job was to seek out suitable people to appear on the radio. The work was interesting, and became even more so when, in 1937, CBS dispatched Murrow to London to find talent in England and across Europe. Wartime Reporting From London In 1938, when Hitler began moving toward war by annexing Austria to Germany, Murrow found himself becoming a reporter. He traveled to Austria in time to see Nazi soldiers enter Vienna. His eyewitness account appeared on the air in America, and he became known as an authority on the unfolding events in Europe. Murrows war coverage became legendary in 1940, when he reported on the radio as he watched aerial battles over London during the Battle of Britain. Americans in their living rooms and kitchens listened attentively to Murrows dramatic reports of London being bombed. When America entered the war, Murrow was perfectly situated to report on the military buildup in Britain. He reported from airfields as American bombers began to arrive, and he even flew along on bombing missions so he could describe the action to the radio audience in America. Up until that time, news presented on the radio had been something of a novelty. Announcers who typically performed other tasks, such as playing records, would also read news reports on the air. Some notable events, such as the airship Hindenburg crashing and burning while attempting to land, had been carried live on the air. But the announcers who described the events were typically not career journalists. CBS correspondent Edward R. Murrow at his typewriter in London during World War II.  Bettmann / Getty Images Murrow changed the nature of broadcast news. Besides reporting on major events, Murrow set up a CBS bureau in London and recruited young men who would become the networks star crew of war correspondents. Eric Sevareid, Charles Collingwood, Howard K. Smith, and Richard Hottelet were among the correspondents who became familiar names to millions of Americans following the war in Europe over the radio. When network executives complained to him that some of the correspondents did not have great voices for radio, Murrow said they were hired as reporters first, not announcers. Throughout the war in Europe the group who became known as The Murrow Boys reported extensively. Following the D-Day invasion CBS radio reporters traveled with American troops as they advanced across Europe, and listeners back home were able to hear firsthand reports of combat as well as interviews with participants in recently concluded battles. At the end of the war, one of Murrows most memorable broadcasts was when he became one of the first journalists to enter the Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald. He described to his shocked radio audience the piles of bodies he witnessed and he detailed to the American public how the camp had been used as a factory of death. Murrow was criticized for the shocking nature of his report but he refused to apologize for it, stating that the public needed to know of the horrors of the Nazi death camps. Television Pioneer Following World War II, Murrow returned to New York City, where he continued to work for CBS. At first he served as a vice president for network news, but he hated being an administrator and wanted to get back on the air. He returned to broadcasting the news on radio, with a nightly program titled Edward R. Murrow With the News. circa 1953: American broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow (C) sits in a trench with a microphone in his hand, interviewing an African-American US Marine during the Korean War for his CBS television show See It Now, Korea. The company was holding a ridge on the Korean Front.  Hulton Archive / Getty Images In 1949, Murrow, one of the biggest names on radio, made a successful move to the emerging new medium of television. His reporting style and gift for insightful commentary was quickly adapted for the camera and his work during the 1950s would set a standard for news broadcasting. A weekly program hosted by Murrow on radio, Hear It Now, moved to television as See It Now. The program essentially created the genre of in-depth television reporting, and Murrow became a familiar and trusted presence in American living rooms. Murrow and McCarthy On March 9, 1954, an episode of See It Now became historic as Murrow took on the powerful and bullying senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy. Showing clips of McCarthy as he made baseless accusations about supposed communists, Murrow exposed McCarthys tactics and essentially exposed the bombastic senator as a fraud conducting pointless witch hunts. Murrow concluded the broadcast with a commentary that resonated deeply. He condemned McCarthys behavior, and then continued: We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular. This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy’s methods to keep silent, nor for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. The broadcast was viewed by a vast audience and was widely praised. And it no doubt helped to turn public opinion against McCarthy and led to his eventual downfall. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, appearing on a television screen during his filmed reply to Columbia Broadcasting System newscaster Edward R. Murrow, tells a coast to coast audience (April 6th), that Murrow as far back as twenty years ago, was engaged in propaganda for Communist causes. The Wisconsin Republican was answering Murrows anti-McCarthy Program of March 9th. McCarthy called Murrow--a symbol--the leader and the cleverest of the jackal pack which is always found at the throat of anyone who dares to expose Communists and traitors. Murrow labeled the Senators attack as a typical tactic of attempting to tie up to Communism, anyone who disagrees with him.  Bettmann / Getty Images Disillusionment With Broadcasting Murrow continued working for CBS, and his See It Now program remained on the air until 1958. Though he was a major presence in the broadcasting business, he had become disillusioned with television in general. During the run of See It Now he had often clashed with his bosses at CBS, and he believed network executives across the industry were squandering the opportunity to inform and educate the public. In October 1958, he gave a speech to a group of network executives and broadcasters gathered in Chicago in which he laid out his criticisms of the medium. He argued that the public was reasonable and mature and could handle controversial material as long as it was presented fairly and responsibly. Before leaving CBS, Murrow participated in a documentary, Harvest of Shame, which detailed the plight of migrant farm workers. The program, which aired on the day after Thanksgiving in 1960, was controversial and focused attention on the issue of poverty in America. Kennedy Administration President Kennedy speaks to a group of newscasters, thanking them for making their facilities available during the recent Cuban missile crisis. Broadcaster and United States Information Agency director Edward Murrow stands to his side. Bettmann / Getty Images In 1961, Murrow left broadcasting and took a job in the new administration of John F. Kennedy, as director of the U.S. Information Agency. The job shaping Americas image abroad during the Cold War was considered important, and Murrow took it seriously. He was praised for restoring the morale and prestige of the agency, which had been tarnished during the McCarthy Era. But he often felt conflicted about his role as government propagandist as opposed to independent journalist. Death and Legacy A heavy smoker, often depicted on television with a cigarette in his hand, Murrow began to suffer severe health problems which caused him to resign from the government in 1963. Diagnosed with lung cancer, he had a lung removed and was in and out of hospitals until his death on April 27, 1965. Murrows death was front-page news, and tributes poured in from President Lyndon Johnson and other political figures. Many broadcast journalists have pointed to him as an inspiration. The industry group Murrow addressed in 1958 with his critique of the broadcasting industry later established the Edward R. Murrow Awards for excellence in broadcast journalism. Sources: Edward R. Murrow, Broadcaster and Ex-Chief of U.S.I.A., Dies. New York Times, 28 April, 1965. p. 1.Edward Roscoe Murrow. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 11, Gale, 2004, pp. 265-266. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Goodbody, Joan T. Murrow, Edward Roscoe. The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series: The 1960s, edited by William L. ONeill and Kenneth T. Jackson, vol. 2, Charles Scribners Sons, 2003, pp. 108-110. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Murrow, Edward R. Television in American Society Reference Library, edited by Laurie Collier Hillstrom and Allison McNeill, vol. 3: Primary Sources, UXL, 2007, pp. 49-63. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
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